• Blockchain
  • Microsoft Launches Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum

Microsoft Launches Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum

5 years ago

Microsoft has invested hugely in the Blockchain based technology, and they have proved it by announcing the latest blockchain development project.

Now, it has achieved another milestone by launching the Ethereum app development kit for Azure cloud. It has released a set of tools that enables clients to develop Ethereum powered apps over its Azure blockchain which is a cloud computing platform of Microsoft.

Microsoft has recently introduced the new Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum and will help designers to build and deploy Ethereum based apps on the Ehereum blockchain or Azure Blockchain Service. This development news was revealed on Monday via a web-blog post, by Chris Pietschmann, who is the founder of BuildAzure.com and Microsoft MVP (most valuable professional).

The Azure Blockchain Development Kit will be an extension of Visual Studio Code– a source code editor of Microsoft. Now developers can make use of this Visual Studio Code so as to build Ethereum smart contracts and to deploy them and further enabling them to use open sources blockchain tools like Truffle and Solidity. The Visual Studio Code editor will offer a rich experience for developers while creating Blockchain apps through Azure Blockchain Service. The developers might enjoy the development process over the Code editor. Visit https://ethereumnews.io/ for more details.

Microsoft has provided a detailed explanation of the Azure Blockchain Development Kit on their GitHub page stating:

“Azure Blockchain service is a managed Ethereum service that you can deploy and interact with Solidity contracts as well as integrate into other Azure-based services such as Azure Flow, Logic Apps or storage services like SQL Server or Cosmos DB.”

Pietschmann mentioned that as of now, the Visual Studio Code extension is supported on macOS and Windows 10; however, the extension can even operate within Azure Virtual Machine.

 Microsoft has officially released its suite of tools, for its source code editor. This shows the commitment and investment of Microsoft towards the use of blockchain technology for enterprise level and the public blockchain networks.

Visual Studio Code is a cross platform, and so is the extension. The developer can make use of Visual Studio Code and include the extension within a running Virtual Machine in Azure such as ‘Visual Studio 2019 VM in Azure’ if developers want to.

The extension needs other system requirements like

  • Python 2.7.15
  • Git 2.10.x
  • VS Code of 1.32.0 or higher
  • Node 10.15.x

The Azure Development Kit extension for Visual Studio Code is open source and is available on GitHub.  The source code of the extension can be viewed at the GitHub project website.

Microsoft in the previous week stated that the company will promote the Quorum blockchain of JPMorgan Chase to its business clients via Azure platform.