• Blockchain
  • Indian Firm Mahindra Agri Utilizes Blockchain Technology for Grape Export Business

Indian Firm Mahindra Agri Utilizes Blockchain Technology for Grape Export Business

6 years ago

As blockchain technology is spreading its wings across the world, Indian giant Mahindra Agri adopts this powerful technology for grapes export business. The objective of this utilization of blockchain technology is to counter the distresses of the global market.

Ashok Sharma, the Managing Director and CEO of Mahindra Agri Solutions Ltd, reproached that they are the first organization in the world for utilizing the great potential of amazingly powerful blockchain technology in its grapes export business. This attempt will make customers confident about the quality of the grapes they are using.

CEO further added that using blockchain technology will change the entire Indian food export industry in a revolutionary way. Sharma also noticed that there are very few cases of blockchain usage in India. Furthermore, he stated that Mahindra feels proud of being the first company to use blockchain technology for grape export business.

Mahindra has planned to equip around 40 to 50 containers with blockchain technology and around 800 containers without blockchain technology. It is a trial, and if it works fine, then all the containers will be equipped with blockchain technology from next time.

Presently, the company is focusing on Europe and China markets. Mahindra is looking forward to updating its technology. This up-gradation is aimed at lifting the image of the Indian export market. In the world market, especially, Indian grapes face problems as customers are worried about farming methods used in India and status of supply chain associated with it. Indian grapes do not have a bright image in the world market. So, using blockchain can be an effective way to brighten the brand image of Indian grapes in the global market.

CEO further says that this move will work as a game changer. Moreover, he states that utilizing blockchain technology will help in creating an ecosystem which will enable customers to trail all the information of the product and its supply chain just with the help of a unique digital code.

This digital code will exhibit all the necessary information like stakeholders included in the production and distribution of grapes, farmer details, harvesting and lab testing dates, farm pictures, type of pesticides or chemical utilized in farming and government certifications acquired. So, the entire information that assures the quality of the product they have purchased will be shown by this digital code.

Mahindra is utilizing their in-house expertise for the development of the technology. This adoption of blockchain technology in grapes export business indicates that more industries are accepting the distributed ledger system for increasing their pace and efficiency securely.